www.studyjet.xyz doesn't own any of the study materials or books, we simply collect and provide materials that are already available on the internet (in most cases). We don't support piracy, our main motive is to help students who are financially troubled but deserve to learn.
If we have added any content that belongs to you or your organization, we are sorry and apologize for that. If you are the rightful owner of any content used in our website, Please mail us with your Name, Organization Name, Contact Details, Copyright infringing URL and Copyright Proof (URL or Legal Document) through Email – admin@studyjet.xyz (or) by Contact Form.
We will remove that content from our site within 48 Hours. Don't take any legal action without informing us.
From where do we collect study materials?
We collect study materials from different places on the internet (websites, social media groups, channels, etc.) and some students also contribute to us.